Flare.build Gradle Integration - now in alpha

As part of our team’s obsession with enabling happy development teams wherever they are, we’ve recently expanded our blazing-fast, CDN-backed remote build cache (originally targeting Bazel and any Remote-API compliant build system) to support the caching of cacheable tasks from Gradle builds! This is in addition to our existing support for Buck, a similar build system to Bazel, which we completed in 2019.

With our new Gradle plugin (currently available by request only) engineering teams can simplify their build infrastructure by utilizing any existing Bazel remote cache implementation as a build cache for their Gradle projects as well. This enables our customers to take advantage of the high-performance distributed cache solution we’ve created to speed up not just their Bazel and Buck builds, but their Gradle builds as well. Additionally, this allows us to create a unified view of build and test results organization-wide to further empower DevX leaders to monitor the developer experience across teams instead of siloed by platform or build tooling!

Benchmarks are coming soon and we’ll update this post when we’ve had more time to do a detailed comparison - speed matters.

We hope to open-source this plugin in the future, but in the meantime, reach out to info@flare.build for access!

Flare.build ❤️ Gradle!


Flare.build: more than a Bazel company


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